Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division Research, Development Test & Evaluation engineer Dan Murphy prepares a research powder gun for terminal ballistics testing. (U.S. Navy photo by Matthew Poynor)
U.S. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography (Naval Oceanography) representation from U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) were part of personnel aboard the USCGC Healy to successfully deploy Sofar Ocean spotter-buoys during its patrol to the North Pole in the summer of 2022. (Photo by Jonathan Holloway).
MONTEREY, Calif. (April 21, 2022) The Naval Postgraduate School is teaming up with Microsoft to explore how rapidly evolving commercial technologies can solve operational challenges faced by the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps. Under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between the two organizations, NPS and Microsoft will conduct research in several areas, including the use of gaming, exercising, modeling, and simulation to assist operational commanders in their decision-making processes; digital enterprise and field experimentation; delivery solutions for education to the fleet; and operational uses for cloud enhanced networks and edge solutions. (U.S. Navy illustration)