
data management

Fleet Survey Team (FST) sailors and a civilian conducted five hydrographic surveys of confirmed and unconfirmed submerged World War II era aircraft off the coast of Pensacola, Florida using a multi-beam echo sounder on behalf of Naval History and Heritage Command, Aug. 7, 2022. FST, comprised of approximately 65 military and civilian members, is a rapid-response team with capabilities to conduct quick-turnaround hydrographic surveys anywhere in the world. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command directs and oversees more than 2,500 globally-distributed military and civilian personnel who collect, process and exploit environmental information to assist Fleet and Joint Commanders in all warfare areas to make better decisions faster than the adversary. (Photo by Lt. Cmdr. Bobby Dixon)

Navy oceanography enterprise adopts new, ‘first of its kind’ data strategy 

DefenseScoop got an exclusive background briefing on this new guidance, which was officially signed in March but has yet to be publicly released.
Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown, Jr., addresses the audience during the Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee Leadership Award ceremony at the Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Md., Jan 27, 2023. (U.S. Air Force photo by Andy Morataya)

Air Force chief contemplating new ‘tech track’ and military occupational specialties for data experts

The desire to improve talent management comes as the U.S. military seeks to up its game in how it leverages data at the tactical edge for Joint…
A hypersonic sled travels 6,400-feet per second on a monorail and is recovered as part of the Hypersonic Sled Recovery effort at the Arnold Engineering Development Complex High Speed Test Track at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Senators propose big boost in funding to upgrade DOD’s test ranges

The chairman’s mark of the fiscal 2023 defense appropriations bill recommends spending about $1.8 billion on these efforts.