Army spectrum tool will feature in upcoming ‘transforming-in-contact’ exercises to inform rapid fielding decision

The Army is planning for a unit exercise later this year followed by an operational demonstration early next year for a new key spectrum visualization tool, to support a potential decision about rapid fielding.
Spectrum Situational Awareness System, or S2AS, is envisioned to be a commercial off-the-shelf solution that will provide sensing and visualization of what units look like in the spectrum and allow commanders to be able to sense and report in real-time their command post signatures, sources of electromagnetic interference — either from coalition partners or the enemy — and threat emissions. Army officials see this as an important capability for operations in a complex future environment where forces will have to adeptly maneuver within the invisible electromagnetic spectrum.
According to an Army spokesperson, the service has identified a mature commercial-off-the-shelf product to satisfy the requirements of the program.
Moreover, the Army intends for that system to participate in a unit exercise in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2025 as part of the service’s transforming-in-contact initiative, one of its top priorities to inform how it purchases and employs new capabilities that will also provide insights for force structure changes.
The first iteration of the concept just concluded with the last of the three light infantry brigades wrapping up their capstone exercises. The initiative is expected to now focus on Stryker and armor brigades as well as division headquarters.
Throughout the first three rotations, brigades noted the importance of being able to manage their signatures and sense the environment.
S2AS is envisioned to support all Army command post operations with the ability to sense, detect and report friendly electromagnetic spectrum signatures as well as sources of electromagnetic interference, according to the spokesperson.
The transforming-in-contact units have been prioritized for planned demonstrations and initial equipment delivery. So far, the Army has publicly announced that the 25th Infantry Division and 101st Airborne Division will be the two divisions with 2nd Cavalry Regiment and 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division as two heavy brigades for the next iteration.
The final procurement quantities and equipping distributions for S2AS will be informed by the planned demonstration and testing events.
An operational demonstration test event is planned for the first quarter of fiscal 2026, which will support a potential rapid fielding decision in the second quarter of that fiscal year.
Efforts in fiscal 2025 for S2AS include initial delivery of prototype systems, vehicle and network integration, cybersecurity accreditation, testing and logistical support.